How much of your personal information is exposed on the internet right now?
Get an accurate picture and remove unwanted details about yourself from the internet.

How much is out there on you?

Let's find out.

HardTarget HIDE™:

Level 1 Report


An actionable report that provides you with necessary steps to begin making yourself more of a HardTarget.

Good for:

  • UHNW Individuals concerned about the information that exists about them on the publicly accessible internet.
  • The '5,000 foot view'.
  • Higher level, yet actionable data.
HardTarget HIDE™:

Level 2 Report


A comprehensive report covering the public, Deep, and Dark Web (more below).

Good for:

  • UHNW Individuals that need to know wherever their PII is showing up on the web, and preventative measures that can be taken to ensure protection.
  • The 500 foot view.
  • Detailed analysis, and action plan for HardTarget implementation.

Deep Web Intel includes:

  • The Deep Web refers to hidden web pages that are not indexed by search engines. This lack of indexing is intentional on the part of many service providers, as it helps to protect PII (or Personally Identifiable Information). PII is information that, when used alone or with other relevant data, can identify you.
  • Our HardTarget Hide Report™ includes potentially sensitive information about you in social media and behind other gated access points.

Dark Web Intel includes:

  • Dark Web - intentional hidden servers (e.g. criminal marketplaces) including any data about you in;
    • Data breaches often contain; account info (usernames, passwords), financial info (CC, banking info), personal info (passports, drivers license, etc.)
    • Private criminal channels - discussing and exchanging information about current, past and future victims.

Cyber resilience is much more than a matter of technology. Agility, balance and high level view are indispensable...”


-Stéphane Nappo, Global CISO of the Year


Get your HIDE Report™ and start becoming a HardTarget.

We'll be in touch within 1-2 business days to schedule a Zoom call.