Research shows that playing tabletop games can enhance our personal, social and emotional well-being, as well as our mental acuity.

Real-world  experiences beat digital ones.


Tabletop games are experiencing a major renaissance, as in-person gameplay connects us unlike anything else.

The benefits are improved health, deeper relationships and a better understanding of a complex world.



Top 5 Health Benefits

Our unique Tabletop approach offers up significant health benefits for the entire family.

1. Increased Enthusiasm & Calmness

  • A study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience  revealed that:
    • Tabletop gaming increases gray matter in the nucleus accumbens area of the brain which enhances positive experiences and enthusiasm.
    • Tabletop gameplay also correlates with a decrease in gray matter in the amygdala, leading to feelings of calmness and lower stress during gameplay and for long afterwards.

2. Enhanced Memory & Decision Making

  • The same study also indicates an increase the gray matter in the insula subregions of our brains, which governs self-awareness and present-moment awareness.
  • The strategic gameplay of our events also fosters neuroplasticity, sharpening memory, mental agility and effective decision-making skills for each member of your family.

3. Improved Computational Skills

  • Playing our Game has also been found to improve computational thinking.
  • This means that cyber games can build your family's conditional logic, distributed processing, debugging, simulation and algorithm building skills.

4. Improved Cognitive Function

  • Tabletop gameplay as a family also strengthens each members' hippocampi and prefrontal cortices.
  • This results in improved cognitive functions such as IQ, memory, information retention and problem-solving.
  • Critical function for all generations.

5. Preventative Mental Health

  • And remarkably, new research shows that playing games with loved ones can reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s among adults.
  • Bottom line; our unique Tabletop Cyber Gaming approach improves the quality of life for your family members both young and old. 

Playing board games can make our kids physically, mentally and emotionally stronger.

Top 7 Relational Benefits

The Game can improve how your family communicates not just about cyberthreats and security, but about other issues of life.

1. Brings your family closer.

  • The foundation of our Cyber Gaming approach is cooperation, training your family to engage in teamwork to win as a group.
  • Solving challenges together is an ideal way to spend time in good company and strengthen familial bonds.

2. Helps your family strike a balance.

  • It's important to strike a balance between video games and board games in our homes.
  • Many parents also recognize the need to stimulate metacognition in their children and grandchildren.
  • In contrast to video games, tabletop gaming is played at an ideal pace for building these skills, encouraging them to explain why they made certain decisions in real time.

3. Helps you enjoy learning together.

  • By combining gameplay with short review sessions, The Game becomes a powerful tool for developing mental acuity and metacognitive skills for all ages.
  • GBL (or Game-based learning) like this enhances the quality of time spent together with family in a purposeful, joyous manner.

4. Develops an (Us vs Them) cyber readiness.

  • Acquiring cyber street smarts as a family takes patience and an appropriate amount of candor given the threat realities.
  • In our tabletop game environment, these things are learned in a stress-free and challenging but fun way.
  • No fear-mongering, just a sober look at the cyberthreats while learning how to thwart them, as a family.

5. Gets everyone laughing together.

  • An important benefit of our approach is the laughter that naturally occurs during gameplay.
  • When your family begins to see cyberthreats for what they are (and learn of some truly absurd stories), hilarity often ensues over old assumptions and fears.
  • Laughter is one of the vital ingredients for an enjoyable learning experience, and The Game delivers.

6. Creates happy memories.

  • Tabletop games trigger the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals.
  • These "happy hormones” have the power to improve conscious and unconscious mind functions, leaving a person feeling cheerful, compassionate, and ultimately content.
  • Playing The Game as a family creates happy memories together.

7. Enhances creativity and self-confidence.

  • Lastly, our approach fosters the perfect opportunity to connect and open up; it also helps to display a creative side of personality in non-intrusive ways, which can be beneficial for quiet individuals.
  • Learning this important topic (cyber street smarts) through gameplay is an amazing tool for shy children and timid adults.
  • Playing helps them to develop stronger senses of individuality and creativity, leading to greater self-esteem and a feeling of being included and noticed.

Tabletop Cyber Gaming is the fastest & easiest way for your family to become a HardTarget.

Top 5 Learning Benefits

Tabletop gaming demystifies all things cyber, making the topic accessible, interesting and even exciting.

1. Prepares you for various cyberthreats.

  • What we practice for, we are prepared for.
  • Our tabletop game simulates hundreds of cyberthreat scenarios that Affluent Families are facing in the real world.
  • By gaining awareness and understanding through gameplay, each member of your family can be better prepared to respond wisely when confronted by real world threats.

2. Experiential learning = internalized.

  • The Game teaches your family about cyberthreats through experiential learning.
  • Other types of cyber training that is watched or read will likely be forgotten over time.
  • But when we experience something, especially in the form of a game, we 'own it' at a much deeper level.
  • It's why Monopoly's 4 green houses/red hotel has become the internalized business plan for so much wealth creation in real estate.

3. Develops a shared emotional resilience.

  • Most affluent families are under-prepared for the stress and fear that naturally occurs during an attempted breach or full scale cyberattack. 
  • Running regular Cyber Games allows the entire family to experience these foreign situations in a safe environment, leading to a shared emotional resiliency you'll be grateful for (if and when the real thing happens).

4. Improves Family Governance.

  • Making decisions on esoteric concepts like cybersecurity can be difficult.
  • Through the experience of gaming together (and subsequently developing your Cyber Defense Plan with our team), you'll have a much deeper understanding of the threats and best practices required to protect everyone, now and into the future.

5. Better Decision-making Instincts.

  • In a real world cyber incident, it's necessary to make clear, understandable decisions where sensitive information (as well as the family’s reputation) may be in peril.
  • You may need to work together to respond quickly and effectively, often times while spread out and in different locations around the world.
  • The Game simulates these situations so as to sharpen your collaborative capabilities.


Our guided gaming events are unforgettable experiences.

Whether in-home via private Family Game Retreats
or off-site at our exclusive HardTarget Society™ events,
you'll leave feeling empowered and prepared.


Private Family Events




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We learn better when
 learning is a game